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Fall Clean Up Day – October 13

GFL Environmental will provide curbside refuse service for the Village of Argenta’s Fall Cleanup Day on Friday, October 13, 2023.


Everything MUST be put at the curbside before 6:00 a.m.!

Listed below are items that WILL be accepted:

  • General Junk; boxed or bundled – under 100 pounds per item. No household trash, such as food;
  • Carpets/Carpet pads; rolled and securely tied and under six feet long and one foot in diameter;
  • Appliances: microwaves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, air conditioners, water heaters, dehumidifiers, freezers, etc. (LIMIT OF 2 APPLIANCES PER HOUSE);
  • Furniture
  • Mattresses/Box Springs

Listed below are items that will NOT be accepted:

  • E-Waste (computers, TV’s, electronics)
  • Tires of any kind or size
  • Liquids such as paint, oils, fuels, and thinners
  • Yard waste such as clippings, trimmings, leaves, limbs, and branches
  • Lead acid batteries
  • Florescent light tubes of any type or kind
  • Hazardous Material (oil, gas, solvents)
  • Concrete, bricks, dirt, or rocks

View Flyer >

2023-11-01T09:35:26-05:00September 11, 2023|

Boil Order for Argenta until at least Tuesday July 4th

The entire Village of Argenta is under a boil order until further notice.

We anticipate the boil order to be in effect until at least Tuesday, July 4, 2023.
You will be notified when the boil order has been lifted.

Update: repairs have been made, and the water tower is now filling. Please continue to conserve water, as this will take some time.

The recent storms have caused issues with the water plant controls.
Please conserve water until further notice. Thank you.
2023-07-02T22:30:01-05:00July 2, 2023|

Water is Available for Argenta Residents from Fire Department

The Argenta Fire Dept has water available for anyone that needs it.

It is NOT FOR DRINKING! It may be used to flush toilets or for general cleaning.

Please take a bucket or container in order to get water at the Fire Department.

The recent storms have caused issues with the water plant controls. Please conserve water until further notice.


2023-07-02T22:28:49-05:00July 2, 2023|

Mark Your Calendar! Water Bills

Water bills are due by the 10th of each month. On the 11th a 20% penalty fee is added to the balance due.If there is a balance due from a previous billing, a disconnection notice will be issued. Payment of the entire balance is due within 20 days to prevent disconnection. If service is disconnected, there will be a $40.00 re-connection fee prior to service restoration.

2023-06-09T17:35:33-05:00July 1, 2022|
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